Sunday, September 14, 2008

The First post..yeah..I am really original..

So what do one post on the first time?
I am not new to the blog sites since I have several
1. Live Journal
2. Myspace
3. Facebook
4. Plurk
5. Gaia

There will be times when I feel I don't want to post on my other blogs and will post here on the life and times and emotionals of me.
I am pro military, pro america, pro life (but I believe there are exceptions) spiritual, indepentent conservative, a retail cashier, loves playing on my wii (currently obsessed with Lego Indiana Jones), loves Fairies and angels and of course my hubby (that's a given!!!)

I am sure I will post other topics as well..but for mind is a blank.

if anyone else shares the same blogs as I do and would like to be friends, leave a comment!